You can learn a great deal using the internet and that includes what the top porn categories in the USA are. According to the user data from the popular adult website Pornhub, these are some of the top categories in the US. Many of the categories are results of search terms or pages visited by people using the site. Pornhub contains every single kind of porn GIFS, sex pictures and videos you can think of. Below, you will find the ones most people viewed when visiting or searching their site.
Lesbians – Any lesbian related topic always catches people’s attention. That may explain why so many people searching for porn wanted to see lesbian sex pics, porn GIFS or videos. Lesbians are hot and watching two or more of them go at it full-throttle can get a rise out of any person.
Step Mom – It appears as if a lot of men around the USA have a thing for their step mom. This category is one of the most popular searched for when it comes to sex pictures, porn GIFS images and videos.
Japanese – Asian women move over because the Japanese are coming. The searches for hot sex pics of Japanese women is very popular. The same goes for anything related to Japanese porn.
MILF – Men have a thing for MILFs. MILFS is an acronym which was made famous in the American Pie Hollywood movie. It stands for ‘Mom I’d Like to Fuck’ and many internet porn users want to fuck a MILF. Why not? MILFS are hot, sexy and know how to fuck the heck out of you.
Teens – The Teen category is among the in the USA. Young adult women with innocent faces are hot.
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